
4th of July Family Fun

I t’s almost that time of the summer again when fireworks and red, white, and blue take over! With young kids your plans may have changed a little since when you were young but we’ve got you covered on all the family- appropriate fun there is to be had!

  • A Colorful Breakfast
    Start your independence day off together in the kitchen to fill your tummies with American goodness! Get the kids involved and let them help make their own breakfast. Be sure to stock the house before with all the ingredients you’ll need for patriotic parfaits and yummy red, white, and blue pancakes that everyone will love!

  • A Patriotic Puzzle
    Educate your little ones on the importance of this holiday while they have fun helping you put the pieces together. Purchase a puzzle of the 50 states or cut out the shapes and make your own! Puzzles are a great memory game for kids and it’s a cool way to show them what the 4th of July is all about.
  • A Very American Bike Ride
    Grab the neighborhood kids and tell them to bring their bikes! Have a decorating party in the garage or have everyone decorate their bikes at home and then meet for a 4th of July parade! Get creative, think streamers, painted cans, balloons, Christmas lights — anything goes!
  • Get Your Red, White & Blue Groove On
    Not all songs about America are boring, pick up or download a fun mix to jam out to! The Wee Sing series is always a hit with the young ones and you’ll like it too. So what are you waiting for? Bust a move!
  • 4th of July Movie Time
    Settle down after an eventful day before watching some fireworks with a cozy movie night. Grab a family appropriate film like Disney’s American Legends, and some popcorn, dim the lights and dive right in!

Whatever you decide to do this holiday weekend, remember it’s not about what you’re doing, it’s about the memories you’re making! Have a blast celebrating your independence and don’t forget to tell us how you spent your 4th of July with your family!

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