Kid Activities

Preschool Summer Camp: The Obvious Option Parents Don’t Think About
Is Your Child’s Preschool Playground Actually Safe?
DC Parents, Don’t Miss the Sing, Talk and Read Festival!
Fun Snow Games for Active Preschoolers
Extracurricular Activities Beyond Child Care
How to Keep Your Child Entertained on Sick Days
Nurturing Creativity: Using Old Baby Clothes for Pretend Play
5 Easy Steps to Make Fun Marshmallow Flowers

Preschool Summer Camp: The Obvious Option Parents Don’t Think About

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Summer Camp Bergen County NJ

Starting early, keeping your kid's interests in mind, considering a camp that stimulates your child mentally, and choose something fun…

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Happy child having fun in a daycare playground during summer camp

Summer will be here before you know it and if you’re like most parents, you’re probably thinking about the best summer camp for your children. While you still have some time, you shouldn’t wait too long because many camps are already full. Most parents freak out when thinking about summer camp research, but have you thought about child care and preschool summer camp?

I know what you’re going to say:

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Is Your Child’s Preschool Playground Actually Safe?

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Dan Yang

Nice information you have shared here. It is essential to have a safe ground and good environment in preschool for…

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Recent research from the same German behavioral scientists who brought us Männergarten suggests that children are born with an innate fascination for sharp objects, self-destruct buttons, and hazardous nooks and crannies.

OK, it’s a joke!

They probably don’t feel the need to allocate research funding to something that everyone knows is true 🙂

More seriously though: what can you do about your child’s safety?

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Fun Snow Games for Active Preschoolers


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In many places across the U.S., winter is in full force. Don’t let the snow keep you and your little ones indoors. The winter wonderland outside your front door is the perfect play environment for rumbustious little rascals. You can add some structure to your playtime with these three great snow day activities.

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Extracurricular Activities Beyond Child Care

As a working parent you probably rely on child care for your children. But don’t you sometimes wish your kids could do more extra-curricular activities? Getting your kids to day care and yourself to and from work seems hard enough, let alone planning for any additional evening enrichment. Luckily, we have some tips for how to strike a balance:

1. Look for child care that already offers enrichment activities.
Some daycares incorporate enrichment activities like dance, music, sports and technology into their program whereby kids can enjoy an activity without leaving the child care facilities. Be sure to ask when you are interviewing child care providers if these and other services are available. Most child care providers offer some sort of extracurricular activities as part of the curriculum. Others, however, might offer these classes at an additional cost because they invite outside companies to lead these special classes.

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How to Keep Your Child Entertained on Sick Days

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Ha! Harry Potter certainly makes cooking pasta more fun :)

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is the season! No not that one…cold and flu season.  And cough, and runny nose, and all manner of bugs and viruses that like to strike as soon as the weather turns chilly!

For kids in day care, this means that your little one may seem to be home sick more often than they are at school. As soon as the thermometer reads a temperature, odds are your facility has strict rules keeping your little one from attending.

If your kid is anything like mine however, one tablespoon of Tylenol and, though still under the weather, they are very much themselves and in need of entertainment. Here are five ideas on how to keep your patient happy and healthy while they ride out their latest winter bug!

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Nurturing Creativity: Using Old Baby Clothes for Pretend Play

Evgeniya Usmanova

CareLuLu Mom-In-Chief
(Co-founder & COO)

All posts from Evgeniya Usmanova

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his weekend as I cleared out the basement in hope of making some room, I found a box full of baby clothes. I was too attached to give it all away, but didn’t really want to continue to have it sit in the basement collecting dust. A brilliant idea came to mind: I decided to give my daughters, Eva (4) and Maya (2), some of the newborn clothes to play with and dress up their dolls. Seeing those sweet items around the house once again reminded me of when they were oh so tiny! It turned out to be a big success, the newborn onesies fit their Ikea dolls perfectly and were the highlight of the day!

What your child will learn:
– Fine motor skills: practicing to put on shoes, tying laces, buttoning onesies, buckling overalls, etc.
– Pretend play, which builds skills in many essential developmental areas.

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5 Easy Steps to Make Fun Marshmallow Flowers

This weekend we made a colorful and tasty bouquet of marshmallow flowers. It’s really easy and fun to make with your kids.

Here are the 4 steps:

1. Buy straws, jumbo marshmallows, and decorative icing in tubes or pens.
2. Place marshmallows on the straws
3. Use icing in a tube or a pen to decorate
4. Put in a glass or a small vase to dry
5. Enjoy with your kids! 🙂

Simple, easy and fun!

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