

7 Fun Ideas for Memorial Day Staycation
Is Daycare Bad for Kids?
What Moms Really Want For Mother’s Day
Fun & Creative Kids Activities To Do For Easter
DC Public Library Partners with CareLuLu to Promote the Sing, Talk, and Read Campaign
Beach Getaways: Terrific Resorts with On-Site Child Care
My First Parent-Teacher Conference
CareLuLu Goes Nationwide! Spread the Word & Win $100
Instilling Healthy Habits at Home & at Preschool – Happy National Preschool Fitness Day!
How to Encourage Speech Development Throughout the Day

7 Fun Ideas for Memorial Day Staycation


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We hope you are just as excited as we are to officially kick off the summer with some family fun this Memorial Day. If going away for the weekend isn’t feasible this year, we’ve got you covered! We have some fun, inexpensive ways for you to celebrate patriotically with your kids.

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What Moms Really Want For Mother’s Day

Evgeniya Usmanova

CareLuLu Mom-In-Chief
(Co-founder & COO)

All posts from Evgeniya Usmanova

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Of all the privileges that come with being a woman, the greatest of them is to be a mother.  There are no existing words to describe the bond between a mother and her child.  Mother’s Day comes only once every 365 days (on the second Sunday of May in the United States), and every mother deserves to feel special and appreciated.

To many people, Mother’s Day equals dollar signs, but buying expensive things isn’t the only way to show Mom you love her.  Mothers want something that will stay alive long after the day has passed.  So Dad, if you are struggling to come up with what the kids (and you!) can do for Mom this year, here are some gift ideas that will last a lifetime, both in her heart and memory:

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Fun & Creative Kids Activities To Do For Easter


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Did you know that most kids prefer cherry flavored jelly beans over any other flavor, or that the majority are willing to do extra chores for extra candy?

Easter is a wonderful time of year for bonding with your children, taking great pictures and, of course, eating as much candy as possible. Stuck on what to do for Easter with your children? Here are some ideas for keeping your Easter fun and stress-free!

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DC Public Library Partners with CareLuLu to Promote the Sing, Talk, and Read Campaign

Evgeniya Usmanova

CareLuLu Mom-In-Chief
(Co-founder & COO)

All posts from Evgeniya Usmanova

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In honor of the Week of the Young Child, we are thrilled to announce our partnership with the DC Public Library in support of the Sing, Talk, and Read early literacy campaign!

It’s never too early to give your child a smart start. The Sing, Talk & Read DC initiative, led by the DC Public Library, shows parents how to make singing, talking and reading to their very young children a part of their day, every day.

By using surprisingly simple daily practices, you can put your child on the path to success! Learn how singing, talking and reading with your little one now, will help them later in school.

You can watch us discuss the campaign on Let’s Talk Live (NewsChannel8) and offer examples of how you can turn your everyday routine into a fun learning opportunity.

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Beach Getaways: Terrific Resorts with On-Site Child Care


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It’s that time of the year and if you are anything like me, you’re thinking about exotic vacations and fun getaways in the sun!  Before you schedule your next trip though, you have to answer the big question: How will you entertain the kids?

The good news is that a family vacation does not have to mean a visit to Disneyland or a trip to your in-laws. You can take a nice adult vacation that your kids will love too by staying at a resort with on-site child care.

Before you drop-off the kiddies, make sure you know the following information:

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My First Parent-Teacher Conference

There is something about sitting down with your child’s teacher that really makes you feel like you’ve crossed over a divide. If becoming a mother didn’t make you feel like a grown up, sitting down for your first parent-teacher conference certainly does the job.

If you were an insufferable goodie-two shoes as I was as a girl, you would have given anything to be allowed in the room at this hallowed tete-a-tete to hear yourself heaped with laurels and praise by your admiring teacher and proudly and whole-heartedly endorsed by your modest parents.

But as a mom, praise (while lovely) is not really what you are there for. Here are some tips I received from friends as I prepared for my first parent teacher conference.

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CareLuLu Goes Nationwide! Spread the Word & Win $100


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W oo-hoo!! CareLuLu goes nationwide to help parents across the country find great child care and preschool that fits your family’s needs! It’s easy, fast, and free! Don’t spend hours on the phone or searching the web, use CareLuLu to find information about child care centers and home-based daycares, all in one place.

Now through February 28th help us spread the word about our free nationwide service for a chance to win $100! To enter the giveaway, use the Rafflecopter contest below.

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Instilling Healthy Habits at Home & at Preschool – Happy National Preschool Fitness Day!

Evgeniya Usmanova

CareLuLu Mom-In-Chief
(Co-founder & COO)

All posts from Evgeniya Usmanova

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Did you know that more than half of obese children become overweight by the time they’re 2? Did you also know that roughly one in five children is overweight by their 6th birthday? Given such high statistics, whether you’re a parent or a teacher, it’s critical to support physical fitness for preschool children and instill healthy lifestyle habits early on so that children may continue these habits as they grow.

Today is the National Preschool Fitness Day and in light of this, I’d like to take the opportunity to highlight a few child care centers that offer great fitness programs.

Kiddie Academy of Gainesville is a child care center where Health and Nutrition are part of the curriculum and where children spend two hours outside daily. The center has an indoor gym and a soccer enrichment program.

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How to Encourage Speech Development Throughout the Day

D id you know that your child’s best learning happens through their everyday routines, experiences, and conversations? In fact, researchers found that the amount of language children hear in the first three years of their life plays an important role in their future learning abilities. The power of simply talking with your child can make all the difference.

Families that have children in child care often ask me how they can create opportunities for developing their child’s communication skills when they aren’t with their child all day.  I share that their daily routines provide ample opportunities to enhance their child’s communication skills, as well as provide meaningful interactions with their child.

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