

Why Choose a Montessori Preschool?
Preschool Teaching Philosophies in a Nutshell

Why Choose a Montessori Preschool?


Typical care times: 9am – 12:30pm, with afternoon or evening care Ages: 3-5 years old, preferably potty trained Philosophy:Play is a child’s work

If you’re starting to look for a preschool, you have undoubtedly come across the highly popular Montessori program, but what exactly is it? The Montessori method of teaching was developed in the early part of the 20th century by Maria Montessori of Rome who developed a method of teaching that places a great deal of emphasis on individual-based creative, hands-on learning and student independence, all while allowing the students to be academically stimulated.

In a Montessori program, kids ranging in age from 3-5 all share the same room, with the older kids acting as role models for their younger peers. The students will typically have the same teacher (or “guide” as they are frequently known in Montessori schools) for several years which allows students to develop a closer relationship with their instructor.

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Preschool Teaching Philosophies in a Nutshell

Evgeniya Usmanova

CareLuLu Mom-In-Chief
(Co-founder & COO)

All posts from Evgeniya Usmanova

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Montessori, Waldorf, Reggio Emilia, High-Scope, Bank Street… what in the world do these names all mean!? Most likely you’ve never come across such terms, unless of course… you started looking for a preschool! If all these early education approaches got your head spinning, this “Preschool Teaching Philosophies” blog series is for you!

In this first post, we’ll give an overview of five common preschool philosophies. Later in the series, we’ll have a specific post on each one and provide more details to help you understand the differences and decide on a program that works best for you and your child.

Teaching philosophies explain how a school approaches learning, which in turn might shed light on whether your preschooler will do well with that particular learning method or in that particular environment. So what preschool learning approaches are there?

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