
pre k

5 Common Sense Benefits of Preschool
10 “Sales Tips” To Get Your Kids Excited About Preschool EVERY Morning
How to Find the Best Daycare for You
CareLuLu Cutest Kids Photo Contest Starts Now!
Tips for Transitioning From Preschool to Kindergarten

5 Common Sense Benefits of Preschool

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Eli Richardson

We're thinking about taking our son to preschool, but we were a little worried about it being too soon. But…

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Education and politics: what a great mixture for drama in the media.   President Obama’s push for universal Pre-K has given rise to all kinds of debates surrounding the issue. Is it good for kids? Do parents need it? Is it fair? Is it cost-effective? And so on.

Even otherwise peace-loving Swedes seem to be weighing in from across the Atlantic. (Hint: don’t mess with Swedes when it comes to public benefits surrounding kids. They take it very seriously.)

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10 “Sales Tips” To Get Your Kids Excited About Preschool EVERY Morning


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If you think about it, sales are a big part of parenting.  Especially repeat sales!  Every morning you probably have the same “sales pitch” that makes up the “Bed to Preschool Package Deal”.

Waking up instead of sleeping. A real breakfast instead of cookies. A clean shirt instead of the batman costume.  The list goes on…

But the real moment of truth is when it is actually time to jump in the car and go to daycare or preschool. It’s just you, the idea of preschool, and the idea of home. If your preschooler is going to be a tough customer that morning, that’s the moment when he will do it.

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How to Find the Best Daycare for You

There are many things to consider when searching for the best daycare for your family, which can understandably leave you feeling overwhelmed. Have no fear, in this post, we’ll walk through some of the main search criteria that parents use. This
should help you narrow down options and find the right child care.

Home-Based vs. Child Care Center
There are many benefits to both home-based care and centers. It comes down to the environment and benefits you feel are best for your child. For instance, home-based daycares typically offers more flexibility and can boast smaller groups of children which provides more one-on-one interaction and a “home-like” environment.  Centers typically offer a larger and more structured environment. They have clear cut rules for both kids and parents and there is no concern when it comes to working around someone else’s sick or vacation days, which may occur with a small home-based provider.

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CareLuLu Cutest Kids Photo Contest Starts Now!

That’s right. We are giving away a brand new Amazon Fire HD Kids Edition to the kiddo with the most votes in our Cutest Kids Photo Contest!

Upload your favorite picture of your child 0-6 years old and include #LuLuKids in the description for a chance to win.  You can enter once per week through April 30th, 2015.

If you have pictures that will warm hearts or make people laugh from the belly up, follow these simple steps and you could be our lucky winner!

  • Like us on Facebook.
  • Upload the cutest photo of your kids and use #LuLuKids in the description.
  • Share your photo with friends & family and ask them to vote.
  • Vote for your favorites by liking the picture and commenting.

Visit our gallery page regularly to see new photos and who is in the lead!

Click here to upload your adorable photos and enter for a chance to win an Amazon Fire HD Kids Edition!

Tips for Transitioning From Preschool to Kindergarten

So you’ve gotten through daycare and preschool, now what? Kindergarten can be a big transition for your little one, especially if they are going from a private child care center to a public school. They are leaving everyone that has become familiar behind, and have to learn how to cope with the higher demands that come along with being a kindergartener. The following tips for transitioning from preschool to kindergarten will help you as a parent in guiding your child along the way:

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