
4 Reasons To Take Your Kids To The Library – Happy National Library Week!
Top 10 Apps For Parents of Preschoolers
Preschool Communication: How to Get Your Child to Share Their Day at Preschool
10 “Sales Tips” To Get Your Kids Excited About Preschool EVERY Morning
How to Encourage Speech Development Throughout the Day
Fun Snow Games for Active Preschoolers

4 Reasons To Take Your Kids To The Library – Happy National Library Week!

Do you remember the card catalogues they used to use in libraries? Now you can buy those cabinets as antiques on eBay. Most libraries switched over to computer based systems in the early 1990’s. In some ways, though, the card catalogue was more fun. You had to invest more time in finding each title and there was a certain sense of exploration involved. And preschoolers were too short to use it.

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Top 10 Apps For Parents of Preschoolers

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Children of America

You can always check to see if your daycare has an app too!

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I t seems like there is a new smartphone app coming out every day to handle some real or imagined inconvenience. And as you know there are plenty of real inconveniences associated with parenting!

Apps come and go (their popularity does, anyway) but the challenges that preschool parents face are fairly predictable. “Don’t forget that! I need it yesterday! Where is…?”

In this post, we present the top 10 app categories for preschool parents with a few examples of apps that are on the market. Some of the apps have been specifically designed for parents; some just provide solutions parents find particularly useful.

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Preschool Communication: How to Get Your Child to Share Their Day at Preschool

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The Learning Cottage

Great tips on encouraging preschoolers to share about their day! At The Learning Cottage, we understand the importance of open…

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We’ve all been there.  You go to pick up your sweetie from preschool. You’re ecstatic to see your preschooler and they are over the moon to see you. You hug, you kiss, you gather up their belongings and you scoop them into your arms.  Then, you ask the question that parents have been asking since, it seems, formal schooling began:

How was your day?

It’s a simple question. Only 4 words. You anticipate a long list of activities, lessons, learning experiences and social accomplishments! You want to hear everything. You are giddy. Did they paint? Did they color? What songs did they sing? Did they get to play outside or was the playground too wet?


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10 “Sales Tips” To Get Your Kids Excited About Preschool EVERY Morning


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If you think about it, sales are a big part of parenting.  Especially repeat sales!  Every morning you probably have the same “sales pitch” that makes up the “Bed to Preschool Package Deal”.

Waking up instead of sleeping. A real breakfast instead of cookies. A clean shirt instead of the batman costume.  The list goes on…

But the real moment of truth is when it is actually time to jump in the car and go to daycare or preschool. It’s just you, the idea of preschool, and the idea of home. If your preschooler is going to be a tough customer that morning, that’s the moment when he will do it.

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How to Encourage Speech Development Throughout the Day

D id you know that your child’s best learning happens through their everyday routines, experiences, and conversations? In fact, researchers found that the amount of language children hear in the first three years of their life plays an important role in their future learning abilities. The power of simply talking with your child can make all the difference.

Families that have children in child care often ask me how they can create opportunities for developing their child’s communication skills when they aren’t with their child all day.  I share that their daily routines provide ample opportunities to enhance their child’s communication skills, as well as provide meaningful interactions with their child.

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Fun Snow Games for Active Preschoolers


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In many places across the U.S., winter is in full force. Don’t let the snow keep you and your little ones indoors. The winter wonderland outside your front door is the perfect play environment for rumbustious little rascals. You can add some structure to your playtime with these three great snow day activities.

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