We were very pleased to find "Sunshine And Sprouts". After visiting and interviewing other home daycares and daycare centers, we could not have been luckier to meet Ms.Millie.
This is the perfect place for our baby girl. She started at almost 5 months old, and she loves it. Since day one, my little girl felt very comfortable and relax. After almost 2 months being there, my daughter does not show any sign of anxiety or distress. She is happy to go. Ms.Millie keeps her on a good schedule, and play time, feeding and napping are very well balanced.
The pick up and Drop of, are going very smoothly.
Ms.Millie understands that parents are in a hurry and she has everything ready on time.
I would strongly recommend others parents to consider "Sunshine And Sprouts" as their daycare for their children.