CURRENT OPENINGS: All ages! We also have specific part-time spots for infants to 5 years old on Thursdays and Fridays all day.
Cobbdale Kids Playhouse in Fairfax, VA is a state-licensed daycare and preschool. The child care facility is in the Cobbdale neighborhood, near Cobbdale Park. Your commute will be convenient since the daycare is close to these major roads: Chain Bridge Rd (route 123), Fairfax Blvd (US-50) / Lee Hwy (US-29), Main St (route 236), and Interstate 66.
I’m the owner and a professional educator with over 35 years of comprehensive experience in the field of child care and early childhood education. I hold a Bachelor’s degree and CPR & First-aid certifications, so you can be sure that your child is safe at all times. As a mother myself, I can relate to every parent looking for the best care for their little ones.
At our home-based daycare, loving, nurturing care and affection are provided to each child to create a positive and fun environment. We accept infants, toddlers, and preschoolers from 0 to 3.5 years old. We’re open all through the year from 7:00 am to 5:30 pm, Monday through Friday.
We participate in the USDA Food Program and provide nutritious meals! We serve snacks to all kids attending full-time, which are already included in the tuition. Due to possible allergies, we run a peanut and tree-nut free environment.
We create unique schedules and programs to cater specifically to each child’s individual growth. Group sessions help the children spur social cooperation. Individual plans and goals, both monthly and weekly, are established for each child to encourage, and reward progress and growth.
We strive to operate in an organized, child-friendly manner, and also aims to make learning and growing up a fun process, and one to remember for each child.
Some of the skills that children will learn include:
- Gross Motor Skills
- Fine Motor Skills
- Language and Arts
- Listening Skills
- Self-Discipline
- Independence
- Pre-Math, Science
- Social and Emotional Development
To learn more about our program please email us or call us!