Aris started attending TELDC when she was a little over a year old. At that time she could count to 5 and mumbled through her ABCs. She was very vocal but, some of her dialogue wasn’t quite clear. Aris is now 3. She is now a walking dictionary, can count beyond 30, able to speed through her ABCs, can identify colors and shapes, and has so much knowledge stored in her little brain that she never ceases to amaze me. Aris is full of energy and and constantly wants to know things. Shes very quisitve and loves to explore. TELDC gives her the oporunity to be just that. An explorer of her education. I have been refering to the center as a school since Aris started. They meet all of the childrens needs. From meals to limitless dancing. I love the art integration they use in order to make the subject the children are learning about captivating, interesting and fun. The center always feels full of joy, love, and learning whenever I arrive. Aris always has story about her day. Wether it be about about her interaction with a student, something she learned, or an art project she completed. Ms. Shelly, has been an amazing educator in both Aris’ and I life. As an educator myself, I appreciate her building a bond wih Aris instead of just “watching” her while I am at work. Ms. Shellys vision for TELDC is very clear. Ms. Shelly is teaching the whole child. She doesn’t focus solely on academics. Shes clearly preparing my little lady for SCHOOL. Ms. Shelly has taught Aris how to interact with other students, build bonds, communicate, advocate, be a leader, be kind, have courage, and to LOVE LEARNING. Ive moved clear across town, away from the neighborhood TELDC is located. Not once did I think to move Aris to another center. Im afraid she wont get this experience anywhere else. Thank you Ms. Shelly and staff for all you’ve done for Aris and helping to nourish my flourishing Blossom.