This daycare is affordable, but you get what you pay for. There were multiple red flags, and no space to list them all, but please visit multiple daycares to compare general appearance, attitudes, friendliness, activities for the child,etc. The biggest issue I had was a lack one to two central people, present every day, to handle tours, transitions, concerns, taxes, etc. This is important to keep parents, staff, and children on one accord. I've been bounced around teacher to front desk about transition dates, incident reports,etc. This communication barrier turned unprofessional and disrespectful when my daughter's North Face was taken by mistake. I asked about it twice, but with no one point person, getting it back became messy, resulting in annoyed staff who advised the director. Info given from family was taken personal and offensive rather than professional and simply calling me .I was texted " I should have better things to worry about than a jacket, and she hopes i reap what a sew." I was very confused and hurt by the lack of communication prior to texting me from he-say,she-say. The image of text is linked to yellow pages review for proof. Please carefully consider how you would like to be treated as a parent for something as simple as a jacket. We will all have specific request or concerns, no one wants to be regarded as annoying or irritating for inquires.