My child was under Yanira's care for about a year. She had two helpers who I loved and who primarily took care of the children. All of a sudden, the workers disappeared, and Yanira and her friend began the care of the children. Unfortunately Yanira had some personal things going on in her life where she had to put a restraining order against someone coming to her house and threatening her. I finally decided to pull my child out of her care because I was afraid for my child's safety at this house. I have not received my deposit back from her, either, even though I gave proper notice. She also would not give me her EIN number for me to report the amount paid to her for my taxes, and I ended up having to file a paper return with an amendment stating why I did not have the EIN number. She is a great lady, but I feel obligated to warn other potential parents about this.
Mi hijo asistio a la guardia de Yanira durante casi un ano. Le encantaron las asistentes de la guardaria, la buena comida, y estuvo muy contento. Pero, de repente, las asistentes desaparecerieron, y habian cosas en la vida personal de Yanira donde tenia miedo que algo le pasara en la guardaria (ella cambio las cerraduras de la puerta, etc.). Decide sacarle de la guardaria. Yanira todavia no me ha dado mi deposito, y no me daria su numero de EIN para mis impuestos, lo que me hizo muy dificil la entrega de los impuestos.