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Boyd School - Aldie Campus, Aldie

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At The Boyd School, we embrace a Montessori philosophy of education and create a warm, welcoming and secure place for children to challenge themselves and excel. In this environment, children develop their intellectual, social and physical abilities and talents to their fullest. We welcome family involvement, helping parents better understand the learning style and temperament of their child-and work together to maximize children's strengths. ​Academic excellence and the belief that learning is a lifelong process lie at the heart of a Boyd School education. Our students grasp fundamental concepts from the earliest age, with each year's lessons building the foundation for the years that follow. From the youngest age, our students learn to think and act independently and conduct organized problem solving. Within our walls, children enjoy the freedom to explore, learn at their own pace and pursue varied interests. We fire the imagination of each student and inspire a lifelong passion for learning. Support, encouragement and a deep understanding about the way children learn. These are the hallmarks of The Boyd School environment, whether your child is just starting his or her educational journey or is graduating from our middle school. The Boyd School is owned and operated by trained educators with an emphasis placed on the well-being of the child.
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7:00am - 6:00pm
6 months - 8 years
After School Care
Meals Provided
  Indoor Gym
  Video Cameras - entrance only