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St. Mary's Catholic School, Alexandria

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Welcome to St. Mary's Catholic School! Each day we strive to provide a sound academic program, traditional in its overall approach, but also incorporating the latest in educational innovations. All of this is guided by the Office of Catholic Schools of the Diocese of Arlington. Above all, our goal is to educate our children in the ways of Faith. Our Catholicity is of the utmost importance to me and to the administration, staff, and faculty of our school. In addition, our hope is that by their very presence at St. Mary's, our students gain a deeper understanding of the teachings, moral and doctrinal, of our Catholic Faith and learn how to live these in their daily lives. Christian virtues need to permeate all we do. This includes the love of Christ, otherwise known as Christian charity. Purity, humility, generosity, prudence, justice, and integrity are all part of a holy life. The ability to defend the Faith and the courage to do so when that is not easy are so crucial to being on the road to heaven. Ultimately, that is the primary reason for our existence as a Catholic school. We want our children to become saints, that is, to get to heaven someday. St. Mary's is a school rich in history and tradition. We are the oldest school in the Diocese of Arlington, and the school has been a true blessing to our parish for over 140 years. Our academics, extracurriculars and all the sacramental opportunities that are offered at St. Mary's give our students opportunities for growth and grace. While our school is dynamic, and ever-changing to fit the needs of our students and parents, we maintain a respect for the history and traditions that have been a part of our past. Central to our mission, always, is the fact that Christ is at the center of our efforts.
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8:00am - 11:30am
4 years - 18 years
Before School Care
After School Care
Meals Provided
•  Computers
•  Indoor Gym
•  Playground