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Teddy Bear Pre-School And Kindergarten, Burbank

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Teddy Bear Preschool serves children from two through six years of age. We provide care for preschool age children and before and after school children from McKinley Elementary School. Teddy Bear Preschool is operated on a non discriminatory basis and every child will have equal treatment and access to services provided without regard to race, color, creed, or religion. Teachers are qualified in Early Childhood Education. Our staff is soundly versed on the growth and development of young children and sets an appropriate environment that stimulates each child's mind. Academics in each class is age appropriate. At Teddy Bear we feel that all children Learn Through Directed Activity. Each day we have "Circle Time", a period which the children sit together with the teacher for discussion, songs, finger plays, language, large muscle activities, math/science games, music, stories and calendar time. Age Appropriate Academics. Early childhood Education both through play & academics is very critical. Our program does learning through play & academics. Therefore our creative curriculum has a great combination of both. We also feel that children Learn Through Routine. Your child follows a routine everyday. Children learn to clean up and care for their personal needs. They are encouraged to take care of their own toileting washing their hands, eating politely during snack and lunch time, and resting during nap time. We welcome parents to come visit our school at all times. We encourage our visitors to make an appointment, at [redacted], with the school Director Nan Orlandi and a tour of our facility will be arranged for you to observe first hand the exciting and friendly environment of Teddy Bear Preschool.
Disclaimer: the licensing status was checked when this listing was created. We do our best to keep information up-to-date, but cannot guarantee that it is. You should verify the license/permit/registration status before enrolling in any child care program.

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7:00am - 6:00pm
2 years - 5 years
Meals Provided
•  Playground
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