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The Miracle Child Development Center, Capitol Heights

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Have you noticed how eager you are to learn more about the subjects that capture your interest? It’s exactly the same with children—whenever something sparks their interest, they soak up everything they can find out about it, quickly, deeply and intensely, learning that will last forever. As teachers and caregivers, we carefully listen for their "WOW!" of discovery, and then get to work, setting the stage, creating the mood, subtly encouraging the children to follow their inspiration. Books of all kinds are made available, writing and drawing materials, blocks and construction equipment, dramatic play accessories, music of the world and our hearts, and all kinds of math and science discovery materials. The children ask and measure, and listen, and think, and consider, and conclude, and perform, and disagree, and create, and take apart, and dance, and their imaginations fly. The spark is kindled, and the fires of learning are ignited. The KidSparkz Curriculum…. • is a developmentally appropriate program fulfilling the needs and appreciating the differences of individual children. Most activities can be enjoyed by children aged three to five. • Provides a balance of child initiated and teacher-focused activities; active and quiet activities; and group and individual activities • Combines aspects of the Project Approach, Reggio Emilia emergent curriculum, and theme-based curricula to create a hands-on, active program where children interact with each other and materials, co-operating and collaborating. • Builds upon what the children already know and are able to do, to enable them to connect new concepts and skills • Encourages parents to be partners in learning
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6:30am - 6:00pm
6 weeks - 12 years
Before School Care
After School Care
Meals Provided