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Chester United Methodist Church Preschool, Chester

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Chester United Methodist Church Preschool (CUMCPS) is a fun-filled half day program that focuses on building well rounded little Christians. We have the wonderful opportunity to teach not only the academics, but to teach the importance of faith and what it means to know and love God. Our preschool exemplifies excellence in developmentally appropriate academic skills, creative learning, creative play, socialization, and various resources. Our schoolwide Christian based Character Building Program Critters with Character Character Counts reinforces positive character traits. Our experienced, trained, caring teachers and staff strive to nurture the creativity and individuality of each child. The classroom environments are bright, warm, and friendly as children are greeted daily by hugs and smiles. Our staff truly feels that God has placed our students in the classrooms to teach and love each child that comes through our doors.
Note from CareLuLu: Please note this child care program has a License-Exempt status, it is not State Licensed. States have different licensing regulations, but in general, not all child care programs are required to have a license. License-exempt facilities can operate legally without a license, and have typically received permission to do so (this is different from a child care provider who is legally required to have a license but does not have one). License-exempt programs (such as Religiously exempt facilities or Certified preschools) are typically exempt from some of the mandatory State license requirements.
Disclaimer: the licensing status was checked when this listing was created. We do our best to keep information up-to-date, but cannot guarantee that it is. You should verify the license/permit/registration status before enrolling in any child care program.

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9:05am - 1:30pm
2 years - 5 years
Meals Provided
•  Fenced Facilities
•  Playground
•  Multipurpose Room
•  Electronic Access
•  Library
•  Indoor Playroom
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