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Christ the King Catholic Preschool, Daphne

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At Christ the King ECDC, our desire is to help your child develop the readiness skills needed to excel in all areas of life by providing a stimulating environment in which each child can grow and develop spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, socially, and physically. If we can instill good ways of learning now, it will certainly help his/her efforts at school and all through life. Our staff strives to model Christ-like living for the students by interacting in a warm, enthusiastic, respectful, and Christian manner that models a strong respect for self and others. They have been thoroughly screened and trained for early childhood education programs. Our program and methods of instruction endeavor to promote a process of independent thinking, active learning and responsible living that will become the basis of an active Christian life. We use Handwriting Without Tears, Letterville, and McGraw Hill to create a unique curriculum that can be adjusted to the needs of our students.
Note from CareLuLu: Please note this child care program has a License-Exempt status, it is not State Licensed. States have different licensing regulations, but in general, not all child care programs are required to have a license. License-exempt facilities can operate legally without a license, and have typically received permission to do so (this is different from a child care provider who is legally required to have a license but does not have one). License-exempt programs (such as Religiously exempt facilities or Certified preschools) are typically exempt from some of the mandatory State license requirements.
Disclaimer: the licensing status was checked when this listing was created. We do our best to keep information up-to-date, but cannot guarantee that it is. You should verify the license/permit/registration status before enrolling in any child care program.

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6:45am - 6:00pm
6 weeks - 5 years
Meals Provided
  Fenced Facilities
  Multipurpose Room
  Video Cameras
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