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St. Augustine School, Elkridge

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The faculty, staff, and administration of St. Augustine School are guided by the message of love and forgiveness proclaimed in the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Roman Catholic tradition. We believe it is our purpose to form the children entrusted to us into disciples of Christ. In partnership with parents, we instill in our students the Catholic values of faith, love, compassion, and service. As created beings, we believe that children of all ages seek to know God and grow closer to God. Our students develop a genuine respect for God, self, and the world around them through our modeling and instruction. We believe it is our purpose to educate all children spiritually, socially, emotionally, and intellectually to their fullest potential. The nature of the learner provides the framework for the education that we offer. We recognize the individuality and dignity of each child. The intellectual growth of the learner proceeds through developmentally appropriate experiences that occur in the social context and transfer into daily life. We encourage our children to be responsible and eager for their own growth in understanding. We foster individual accountability by nurturing self-discipline and self-worth. We inspire our students to be active participants in their education insuring that they will have the tools needed to be life-long learners. We believe that the learning experiences provided to our children help them make informed and positive choices. Community, and the interpersonal relationships that it implies, is best learned through experience. By uniting in our common ministry to foster a unique fellowship of the Spirit, we are called to model and promote the building of community. Within the context of our school society, which includes parents and our parish family, our children are nurtured in a caring, respectful and welcoming environment. Through the experience of community we seek to instill in our students a profound respect for the dignity of all people and the sacredness of life. In summary, we strive to provide a Christ-centered, holistic learning experience for all of our students that forms them into disciples of Christ, inspires them to be life-long learners, nurtures them to believe in themselves and the dignity of all people, and makes them a caring, respectful community.
Disclaimer: the licensing status was checked when this listing was created. We do our best to keep information up-to-date, but cannot guarantee that it is. You should verify the license/permit/registration status before enrolling in any child care program.
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7:30am - 6:00pm
5 years - 13 years
Before School Care
After School Care
Meals Provided
•  Playground
•  Indoor Gym
•  Computers