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St. Paul's Episcopal Preschool And Kindergarten, Falls Church

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We believe that God has given us both a challenge and a blessing literally to be located at the Crossroads of tremendous need in our community, and the intersection of such diversity. We believe that our church family exists to be an expression of the Kingdom of God to our neighbors. Our new Mission Statement describing our family, and our New Vision pointing towards the direction of our future sum it all up very well. Mission Statement: We are a reflection of God’s Kingdom, offering a place of faith and fellowship where people of diverse cultures, backgrounds, and ethnicity come together as the family of God, using our gifts to bear the hope of Christ to the needs of the world. Vision Statement: We will embrace all people by nurturing and engaging our gifts for the sake of sharing Christ’s saving and redeeming love, within our parish family and beyond. We will offer a community of belonging, acceptance, care and transformation to our neighbors and all who enter, regardless of where they come from or where they are on their journey. Sunday School St. Paul's rejoices in a creative, hands-on Sunday School program for children in preschool to middle school. Children study themes of the Bible that span Old and New Testament. The program entails Opening Prayer, Bible Verse reciting, arts and crafts, singing, skit-playing, and take home exercises in which the whole family can participate. All materials are available in Spanish and English
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8:00am - 5:30pm
2 years - 6 months
After School Care
Meals Provided
  Indoor Gym