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Children's Treehouse Buckingham, Garland

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Children’s Treehouse offers affordable, age-appropriate, year-round education for children between the ages of 3 months to 12 years. Our facility was designed to allow separation of age groups. Each classroom has restroom facilities and access to 4 age-specific outdoor play areas. Our early childhood program focuses heavily on teaching concepts through a thematic approach and is certified through the Texas School Ready! Program. Our teachers use weekly themes to expose children to their letters, numbers, colors, and shapes through the use of center play, stories and real world exploration. Each classroom has access to a multitude of resources including interactive computer programs, science materials, classroom libraries, and a wealth of art supplies. Ongoing assessments are used as a communication tool between parents and teachers to help track each child’s development. In addition, our children are exposed to the world around them through hands-on activities, science, technology, music and movement with programs such as Dance with Taylor and Music with Mr. Chris. Our After-School program enables school-aged children to get involved in a host of activities (i.e.- dramatic play, science, video games, dance, art, cooking, field trips, etc.). Our children are encouraged to develop and improve special interests, as well as, learn to be an integral part of a group. For children who have homework, we offer homework assistance to complete their school–work and allow them more quality time at home with you.
Disclaimer: the licensing status was checked when this listing was created. We do our best to keep information up-to-date, but cannot guarantee that it is. You should verify the license/permit/registration status before enrolling in any child care program.

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Contact This Program For Free
6:30am - 6:15pm
12 weeks - 12 years
Before School Care
After School Care
Meals Provided
  Fenced Facilities
  Indoor Gym
  Multipurpose Room
  Video Cameras
  Indoor Playroom
  Outdoor Play Area
  Each classroom has restroom facilities and access to 4 age-specific outdoor play areas.
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