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Small Wonders Child Development Center, Lakeland

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Small Wonders Child Development Center is an ACSI licensed child care center in Lakeland, FL. Contact us to schedule a tour and discover for yourself all Small Wonders Child Development Center has to offer. To provide an exceptional, full day Pre-K Program, because our mission is to take advantage of the teachable moments that happen every day by fostering the intellectual, creative, social, emotional, and physical growth and development of our Pre-K students and to inspire a lifelong commitment to learning. We are a strategically focused Early Literacy Program, our caring, cooperative school environment promotes cultural values and supports positive relationships and respectful interaction. We will provide an environment that allows children to learn by doing moving from concrete, hands-on experiences to more abstract concept development. Our priority is to provide a healthy balance of child-directed and teacher-guided activities, as well as time for children to work individually, in small groups and in large groups. We believe that a stable, safe, healthy, comfortable, and culturally relevant environment is crucial to a childs growth. An academically focused program and teachers who have standards based knowledge allows our teachers to ensure a consistent, engaging and effective daily instruction. We also offer time for play-based approach which provides a child-centered curriculum directed by teachers in which children are encouraged to construct their own knowledge. We believe that our program reflects the needs and goals of children and families. We look forward to working closely with our students and their families which will provide an integrated, comprehensive approach to learning as they grow, mature and prepare for Kindergarten in Polk County Schools.
Note from CareLuLu: Please note this child care program has a License-Exempt status, it is not State Licensed. States have different licensing regulations, but in general, not all child care programs are required to have a license. License-exempt facilities can operate legally without a license, and have typically received permission to do so (this is different from a child care provider who is legally required to have a license but does not have one). License-exempt programs (such as Religiously exempt facilities or Certified preschools) are typically exempt from some of the mandatory State license requirements.
Disclaimer: the licensing status was checked when this listing was created. We do our best to keep information up-to-date, but cannot guarantee that it is. You should verify the license/permit/registration status before enrolling in any child care program.

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Contact This Program For Free
7:00am - 6:00pm
8 weeks - 5 years
Meals Provided
•  Fenced Facilities
•  Playground
•  Indoor Gym
•  Multipurpose Room
•  Computers
•  iPads/Tablets
•  Library
•  Outdoor Play Area
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