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Edgewater Preschool, Long Beach

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Edgewater Preschool is a family-run business, owned and operated by Alan and Cristiane Foster (husband and wife) and their wonderful staff. We believe that preschool children should be allowed to explore their surroundings in order to develop a good sense of problem solving and decision-making. The preschool curriculum, arrangement of furniture and space reflect the interests and needs of the children enrolled in our childcare center. It is very important to meet the basic needs of children such as, safety, nourishment and rest for them to be able to achieve proper levels of development. We strive to challenge children’s creativity and to be aware and respectful of their emotional needs and to support and facilitate their social development by providing opportunities for children to build positive self-esteem. Our preschool and toddler curriculam also provides a variety of hands-on and social activities that incorporate children’s and families interests, needs and life experiences by exposing children to the fields of arts, music and creative movement. All of our staff plays an integral part of the curriculum by facilitating children’s explorations and positively interacting in their daily routines.
Disclaimer: the licensing status was checked when this listing was created. We do our best to keep information up-to-date, but cannot guarantee that it is. You should verify the license/permit/registration status before enrolling in any child care program.

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6:45am - 6:00pm
18 months - 6 years
Meals Provided
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Nanny Lane