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Wee Care Montessori, Long Beach

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Infant Program (6 weeks—14 months) At Wee Care Montessori Center we try to follow Dr. Maria Montessori’s teachings by guiding the smallest of infants to develop in the correct manner. As babies the children enter the first out of the four distinct planes or periods as explained in Montessori teachings. At Wee Care we know the importance of this period and we observe and assess their different characteristics, learning models, whilst valuing persity. According to Montessori methods we also recognize the ‘sensitive periods’ of children and prepared our environments accordingly, with appropriate materials and activities. Wobbler Program (14 months—18 months) At Wee Care we call the bigger infants (14 to 18 months old) ‘the wobblers’ where they try to acquire sensory refinement, language skills and are interested in small objects. Dr. Montessori described the young child’s behavior of effortlessly stimulating the sensorial stimuli of his or her environment, including information from the senses, language, culture and the development of concepts within the term ‘absorbent mind’. It is believed that this unique power fades as the children approach six years and therefore at Wee Care we do everything within our capability to create the correct environment so that we do not miss this window of opportunity. Toddler Program (18 months—2.5yrs) At Wee Care we are aware of the important changes that take place within the toddler age group. We try and provide an environment that is needed for them to excel. We let the toddlers learn at their own pace and we allow them to work inpidually with the materials provided with no competition amongst them.
Disclaimer: the licensing status was checked when this listing was created. We do our best to keep information up-to-date, but cannot guarantee that it is. You should verify the license/permit/registration status before enrolling in any child care program.

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7:00am - 6:00pm
6 weeks - 30 months
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