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Exposition Park Montessori Childcare Center, Los Angeles

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Exposition Park Montessori Childcare Center is a licensed child care center in Los Angeles, CA with the license issued by the L. A. Day Care-East (33). We are a medium-sized center. We believe the key to changing the world is through the hearts of the children. At K-Step Motnessori we are dedicated to giving families and children the support and high quality program for them to thrive. Our programs integrate Maria Montessori's philosophy with the elements of child development to create an enriching curriculum and exciting learning environment. We offer a flexible program to help children in their learning processes and prepare them for their future through independent exploration and freedom of choice. Each child’s unique needs, natural abilities and desire to learn are focused upon to provide them with an age-appropriate education. Children are encouraged by teachers and peers to progress at their own pace and share enriching experiences. Our program is equipped and staffed to provide wholesome quality care for children infants and up. About K-Step Montessori Childcare... Our service for children has grown out of the sincere love and concern for their development and assimilation into our ever-changing society. We have been educating children and their families for over 35 years throughout Southern California. Today, we provide childcare for more than 150 diverse children (infants and up), and encourage the individual role that each child brings to our school. Our culturally diverse staff fosters the important elements of a high-quality preschool system with their various accomplishments in the child development field. Our excellent educational performance qualifies us for state associated programs such as the Los Angeles Universal Preschool Organization (LAUP). To learn more about us, please send us an email.
Disclaimer: the licensing status was checked when this listing was created. We do our best to keep information up-to-date, but cannot guarantee that it is. You should verify the license/permit/registration status before enrolling in any child care program.

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7:00am - 6:00pm
2 months - 7 years
Meals Provided
•  Playground
•  Fenced facilities
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