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Green Stem Schoolhouse, Los Angeles

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Grown out of a home in Atwater Village, Green Stem Schoolhouse is a progressive early school for children. Creating an intimate, stimulating and fun program, guided by caring and enthusiastic teachers is our passion. Green, the symbolic color of growth and creativity weaves together with STEM education. We believe adult role modeling is key to children's success with social experiences. Therefore learning and being inspired together is our main activity. Our staff is composed of experienced teachers who are working professionals in a variety of other fields including Heath, Sports, Design and Art. At GSS, we cook, sculpt, compose, dream, question and resolve together hence our school motto "Learning is living". Our school is influenced by the child-advocating communities of Reggio Emilia and rooted in the application of progressive early childhood development research and philosophies. We view knowledge as elastic and co-constructed particularly in the prolific early years of childhood. There are many things we find fascinating about children, but In particular, their aptitude to learn, express, think outside the box and make metaphors are traits of the young child that that we celebrate and highlight. The founder of GSS, Maha Saab, received her Bachelor in Arts from Parsons School of Design and Masters in Arts from UCLA. She has been working with preschools for over ten years, beginning with the pioneering, Reggio-inspired schools in Santa Monica. In 2011, she became a mom to Tesneem and joined Echo Park's Historic Playgroup as the program coordinator.
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8:30am - 2:30pm
18 months - 5 years
After School Care
Meals Provided
•  Fenced Facilities
•  Playground
•  Multipurpose Room
•  Smartboard
•  Garden
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