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Willow Nursery School, Los Angeles

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Willow Nursery School is a home-based Reggio-inspired program for children ages 15 months to five-years old. We offer a full-day program open Monday-Friday from 8:00 AM until 4:00 PM, focusing a large portion of our day in our outdoor classroom. Committed to providing a safe, loving and nurturing environment for your child, we strive to be a home away from home with the added benefits of developmentally appropriate, child-lead, emergent curriculum. We celebrate the whole child here at Willow Nursery School, understanding that each child is an individual with his or her own unique skillset, capabilities and needs. Our program is inspired by the work of Magda Gerber, John Bowlby and Lev Vygotsky to name a few, and our approach is influenced by Educare, the Outdoor Classroom Project, and Reggio approach to create our own unique learning environment. Carrie, the program owner/director, has been in the field of education for the past eight years, earning her BA in Child & Adolescent Development from CSUN and working with children ranging from three-months old to five-years-old. She has experience as a primary educator for toddlers, primary educator for children 3-5, and a lead educator for infants. Carrie is passionate about children's literature, connecting with nature and preserving childhood curiosity and excitement by creating a loving, magical setting in which children thrive.
Disclaimer: the licensing status was checked when this listing was created. We do our best to keep information up-to-date, but cannot guarantee that it is. You should verify the license/permit/registration status before enrolling in any child care program.

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8:00am - 4:00pm
15 months - 5 years
Meals Provided
•  Fenced Facilities
•  Playground
•  Multipurpose Room
•  Library
•  Large outdoor play space, engaging indoor environment
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