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Casa Montessori, Northridge

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Casa Montessori, located in Northridge, California, is a Full-Member School of the American Montessori Society and has been serving families in the San Fernando and Santa Clarita Valleys for over four decades. We welcome children ages 2 to 4.9 years old in our Primary program and children 5 to 12 years old in our Elementary Program. Casa Montessori was founded with the intent to build an excellent educational establishment through the application of the Montessori approach to teaching and learning.Casa Montessori, Inc., a California corporation, was founded in 1971, by Mrs. Sakura Long with the intent of building an excellent educational institution applying the American Montessori approach to learning. Prior to founding Casa Montessori, Mrs. Long had served as Principal of Montessori Schools, Inc. - the very first Montessori school on the West Coast! When Montessori Schools, Inc. dissolved, Mrs. Long was determined to find a home for the 150+ students that had been attending Montessori Schools, Inc. She was able to get a loan to build a school on Lassen Street in Northridge - our current school location. With a 14\\% interest rate on the loan, the early years were a financial struggle but her dedication to her students, and her conviction in the superiority and success of Montessori teaching methods fed her passion to not just survive but, thrive. Seven classrooms and one administration building were almost finished when students and faculty moved into this location on January 2, 1971. Not long after, Casa Montessori become a non-profit corporation. In 1985, our auditorium was completed; and in 1994, a library was added to our campus. Our last building was completed in 2008 and is home to our computer lab and a Teacher Training Center. Our classrooms were designed and are organized to provide an environment which will lead to the development of individual freedom, self discipline, and creative thinking.
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8:30am - 4:00pm
2 years - 12 years
Before School Care
Meals Provided
•  Playground
•  Indoor Gym
•  Computers
•  Library
•  auditorium
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