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Precious Generations, Ottawa

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I strive to offer a safe positive, clean, home child directed learning environment; a warm secure place to explore, create and discover life on their own. In addition, I will offer a nurturing atmosphere, dependability and trustworthiness, an open door policy, and support to the parent/guardians using all aspects of community in helping you raise your child(ren). I want your child(ren) to feel good about themselves through helping to develop a positive self-esteem in conjunction with you as parents; so you will share those good feelings with others. I believe children are the most important part of any child care or group experience. Each area of development (physical, social, emotional, mental and spiritual) must be acknowledged and provided in a professional, interesting and warm environment. I am a child directed facility. I do not agree with providing pre-school activities as there are several great pre-schools in Ottawa. I believe that a child goes to school for 12+ years; I want them to feel as if this is a home and not an "institution." With that being said; that does not mean they are not learning things. We talk about Colors; ABC's and numbers; often-called teachable moments. For example playing with cars we can talk about colors; how many are there and even talk about what cars and trucks do. I will do everything possible to make your child(ren)’s stay an enjoyable one. I will treat you and your child(ren) with respect as I would my own children.
Disclaimer: the licensing status was checked when this listing was created. We do our best to keep information up-to-date, but cannot guarantee that it is. You should verify the license/permit/registration status before enrolling in any child care program.

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8:00am - 5:00pm
9 months - 5 years
Meals Provided
  Fenced Facilities
  Multipurpose Room
  Video Cameras
  Indoor Playroom
  Outdoor Play Area
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