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TLC Schools on Hedgcoxe, Plano

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From infants to the school age child, an organized approach to planning the day, week, month and year is essential in the development of your child. The ABEKA© Early Education Curriculum is age appropriate and supports and guides your child as they move at their own pace through each developmental and learning stage. Each teacher is involved in the planning and development of your child’s day. Posted lesson plans and schedules, as well as take home materials, help to keep you informed and involved in your child’s development. A wide variety of active learning tools such as computers, puzzles, blocks, art supplies, books and dramatic play areas offer a broad range of interesting and challenging activities. Separate, age-appropriate outside playground areas are designed to allow exploration of the world outside and to just let your child have fun in a safe and supervised outdoor area. Indoor activity rooms are utilized to develop gross motor skills as well as extra activities such as dance, gymnastics, karate and soccer. Visits from special guests will delight the children as they learn about their community. If you are interested in learning more, schedule a tour and find out why TLC Schools is the best in Plano child care facilities.
Disclaimer: the licensing status was checked when this listing was created. We do our best to keep information up-to-date, but cannot guarantee that it is. You should verify the license/permit/registration status before enrolling in any child care program.
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Contact This Program For Free
6:30am - 6:30pm
6 weeks - 12 years
Before School Care
After School Care
Meals Provided
  Indoor Gym
  Multipurpose Room
  Video Cameras
  Indoor Playroom
  Outdoor Play Area
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Nanny Lane