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Zearing Child Enrichment Center, Princeton

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Educational Philosophy We believe that children develop to their fullest potential when they are loved, secure and happy with themselves. Our staff provides warm, nurturing interaction with children to enhance in each child a positive self-esteem. We believe in providing a developmentally appropriate curriculum that addresses the process of learning to enhance successful experiences for each individual child. Learning centers are designed to allow children to explore, experience and succeed. We believe that children learn best in an environment abounding in opportunities and stimulating materials to explore. They are encouraged by gentle, patient and reassuring adults in a healthy and safe environment. We believe that children learn by progressing from their familiar surroundings to explore new areas and new roles. The staff will provide various opportunities to stimulate each child’s natural curiosity. We believe children learn best when they realize that limits are set to protect them. The staff uses positive age-appropriate discipline techniques that enhance a child’s sense of self-worth and responsibility. We believe parents and teachers form an important partnership. This is a partnership for the benefit of the child. Our doors are open to parents at all times and encourage daily communication between parents and staff. We believe our program strength lies in the dedication and commitment of our staff. Professional development of all our staff is a required component within the program through staff training, college courses, on-site resources and sharing of ideas.
Disclaimer: the licensing status was checked when this listing was created. We do our best to keep information up-to-date, but cannot guarantee that it is. You should verify the license/permit/registration status before enrolling in any child care program.
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5:00am - 6:00pm
6 weeks - 12 years
Before School Care
After School Care
Meals Provided
  Indoor Gym
  Multipurpose Room
  Indoor Playroom
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