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Golden Gate Kids, San Francisco

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Philosophy The early years of children’s lives are the most critical when it comes to their development. At Golden Gate Kids, we believe that it is very important to have a child in an environment that is consistent and secure. We are dedicated to providing a safe, supportive, challenging and holistic learning environment for young children and their families. The philosophy of Golden Gate Kids is a learning model based on play. The overriding goal is for children to feel enthusiastic about learning, to be interested, curious, and happy as they learn, and to be deeply involved in new and challenging experiences. We will provide an environment where children feel safe and are encouraged to explore not only materials, but also their relationships with peers and adults. Our objective is to create critical thinking in young children. This is done by; forming healthy attachment to adults, developing a positive self-image and development of the ‘whole child’ and supporting the idea of continuous growth through an enriched curriculum. We focus on and encourage; - Fine Motor Development: used to increase small muscle development. This may include manipulating puzzles, drawing, coloring, painting, beading and manipulating print materials. - Cognitive Development: used in our interactive learning environment. This includes the engagement with peers, adults, materials and activities. - Physical Development: used in our interactive environment. This may include running, jumping, climbing, catching and ball playing, and structured outdoor time. - Social Development: used to promote active learning experiences. This will be done by the use of many dramatic play experiences such as pretend play and role playing. - Mathematical skills & Critical Thinking: used to increase all developmental areas. This may include phonological awareness, vocabulary knowledge, problem solving, creative planning, number concepts and peer interactions. - Emotional: used to increase positive self-concepts. This may include the importance of human relationships such as peer interactions and adult/child interactions. This also includes peer negotiations, the ability to make choices and how to properly interact with others. - Family Involvement: used to increase the educational ability of individual children. Parents are welcome to our open-door policy and encouraged to participate in many child centered activities. They are also encouraged to participate in program planning such as field trips and holiday decorating. - Community Development: This includes local trips to the fire departments, police stations, grocery stores and pet shops are also part of our program. Also providing parents with community activities. We believe that children learn through hands on play experiences and thrive emotionally, socially, physically, and cognitively when they are actively engaged with their environment and each other. Creative Curriculum, a developmental approach to learning, provides the foundation for daily activity planning, implementation and evaluation. By focusing on the whole child and providing stimulating experiences, Golden Gate Kids helps children develop advanced learning skills.
Disclaimer: the licensing status was checked when this listing was created. We do our best to keep information up-to-date, but cannot guarantee that it is. You should verify the license/permit/registration status before enrolling in any child care program.

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8:30am - 6:00am
6 months - 6 years
Before School Care
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  Fenced Facilities
  Multipurpose Room
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