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Little Butterfly Small School, San Lorenzo

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Philosophy As a family child care provider, my goal is to provide a safe, healthy and happy place for children. I aim to create an environment in which children can grow physically, emotionally, cognitively, and socially at their own pace. I believe that children learn through play and benefit from a structured yet flexible schedule. Activities will be offered which stimulate sensory motor development, language development and social interaction. The development of strong self-esteem and respect for oneself and others are also key goals of my program. I value every family who enrolls a child at my school, and I take the responsibility of living up to their expectations and needs. Location Little Butterfly Small School is a family-oriented child care located in San Lorenzo in a quiet neighborhood ideal for children. The school is composed of two attractive playrooms, two yards, and a small garden. There are plenty of activity areas for children to explore and learn, including a sensory exploration center, a dramatic play area to unleash children’s imagination, a cozy reading area and a fun area to encourage children’s natural ability to build and explore shapes and textures. The school has been thoughtfully laid out and decorated to provide a safe, peaceful setting with plenty of toys, books, crayons, blocks and other inspiring invitations to explore. Each child is provided with his/her own comfortable cot for nap time. Little Butterfly Small School is accessible by public transportation. It is very close to BayFair Bart Station (5 mins drive), I-580 and I-880. At our facility you can be certain that your child will feel at home in a positive environment. Our Teachers Diep Vo, Head Teacher Diep Vo received her Associate’s Degree in Child Development from Merritt College and also holds a Child Development Teacher Permit from the State of California. She is originally from Vietnam and has lived in the United States for over 10 years. She has 8 years of experience working with children, including time as an infant and preschool teacher. Diep believes in fostering optimal learning, growth and development for children. Opening a family child care home is the culmination of many years of dreaming and enjoying seeing children play and grow. Hanh Ha, Co-Teacher Hanh was born and grew up in Chinatown in Vietnam. She came to America in 2006 and graduated from Merritt College with a degree in Child Development. She also holds a California teacher permit credential. She is a native speaker in both Cantonese and Vietnamese. Hanh has more than 10 years of experience working with children. She is a detailed and caring teacher in our school. She enjoys working with and taking care of young children with lots of patience and love. In her spare time, she likes cooking and spending time with her family.
Disclaimer: the licensing status was checked when this listing was created. We do our best to keep information up-to-date, but cannot guarantee that it is. You should verify the license/permit/registration status before enrolling in any child care program.

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7:30am - 5:30pm
6 months - 10 years
After School Care
Meals Provided
  Fenced Facilities
  Multipurpose Room
  Two attractive playrooms, two yards, and a small garden
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