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Sprout Kids Academy, Tiffin

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Early childhood (birth to age eight) is considered to be the most important developmental phase in a child’s life. At this time, physical, social, emotional, and cognitive learning is happening at astounding rates. While the development of a child is a continuous process with a predictable sequence, each child is unique and progresses at a different rate. Each period of development prepares a child for the next. If children are properly prepared in one period, they are more able to fully develop their capabilities in later periods. We believe children learn best through play, as well as having the opportunity to make choices. A child’s growth and development are best achieved through individual attention, nurturing, exposure to a variety of activities, resources, and experiences. An Early Childhood Development Center such as Sprout Kids Academy is a very effective agency for teaching compassion through example and experience. It provides time for quality education and training in a warm and friendly atmosphere where young children can learn to play creatively with one another. It provides an opportunity for nurturing principles to be applied to daily activities. Teachers exhibiting compassion provide an environment where children develop meaningful relationships. At Sprout Kids Academy our goal is to help every child reach their full potential, one developmental milestone at a time. We believe that given the opportunity and freedom to play and learn, your child will flourish.
Disclaimer: the licensing status was checked when this listing was created. We do our best to keep information up-to-date, but cannot guarantee that it is. You should verify the license/permit/registration status before enrolling in any child care program.

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6:15am - 6:00pm
6 weeks - 12 years
Before School Care
After School Care
Meals Provided
  Fenced Facilities
  Indoor Gym
  Multipurpose Room
  Electronic Access
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