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Faith Baptist Academy, Vienna

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CHURCH PURPOSE The church exists to bring God glory and to serve Christ, the head of the church. God is glorified by the transforming power of the gospel working among each local church to train and transform believers into greater and greater reflections of Christ's glory. To this end, we strive to teach and train our congregation to know and obey the Scripture. Our church focuses its energies on teaching ministries first, fellowship second, service third, and evangelism always. We understand how important your child is to you and to the Kingdom of God. Rest assured that we will work to keep your child safe and comfortable at our church while investing our time into teaching them the truth of God's Word. We offer enriching programs for your child of any age. Nursery: Infant - 2 years old We have nursery available for all of our Sunday and Wednesday services. Infants are welcome with parents at our Care Group meetings as well. Children: 3 years - 5th grade For our children in these formative years, we teach them during Sunday School classes (9:45am Sundays), Praise Factory (during the sermon portion of the Sunday worhsip service), and Pioneer Club during the Wednesday Faith Community Institute program (6:45pm). All of these offer social growth opportunities, but focus on instilling biblical knowledge and understanding of who God is and what he does. Youth: 6th grade - 12th grade Our growing youth group is an exciting place for young adults to learn what the Bible means and how it applies to the challenges of their lives. Questions are welcome, and answers come from the Bible during group discusisons. The youth serve in ministry and have the opportunity to participate in several outings and camps every year. The youth meet for Sunday School (9:45am Sundays) and Wednesday "Youth Group" (6:45pm during the school year; 7:00 during the summer). Faith Baptist Academy Preschool and Kindergarten We offer an academically-excellent preschool and Kindergarten program for your 3- through 5-year-old child during the week. For more information see the academy website @ [redacted] DAYS AND HOURS OF OPERATION The Academy is open, 8:00AM until 3:00PM, Monday through Friday, except for school holidays. We currently offer three or five day a week options; half day or full day options are also available. Kindergarten students are required to attend a minimum 5 days a week 9:00AM to 12:30PM.
Disclaimer: the licensing status was checked when this listing was created. We do our best to keep information up-to-date, but cannot guarantee that it is. You should verify the license/permit/registration status before enrolling in any child care program.
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8:00am - 3:00pm
3 years - 5 years
Meals Provided
•  Playground
•  Indoor Gym
•  Computers