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Capitol Hill Learning Group, DC

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Capitol Hill Learning Group (CHLG) offers teacher-led classes beginning at 2.5 years and includes a teacher-led cooperative for primary aged students that combines classroom based education with home based education. We're a cooperative program, and parents contribute by assisting in their child's classroom on a rotating basis and by volunteering in other capacities to help keep the school running smoothly. CHLG is faith-based in the Christian tradition, and while we are organized in such a way that there is freedom to talk about God, Jesus Christ and the Bible, we welcome families from other faiths as well as families who do not consider themselves religious. CHLG's preschool program provides curriculum for all areas of a child's growth- physical, emotional, spiritual, social, linguistic, aesthetic and cognitive. We focus on what is familiar to children and on creative play through which children learn social roles, cooperation and problem solving. Children learn through experimenting, observing, wondering, exploring and questioning. Our curriculum seeks to provide children with the skills that will both help them learn as well as develop a love for learning. We promote a child's inner drive and excitement about learning as they use and apply knowledge, process and skills. The Hybrid Academy at CHLG is a unique primary schooling opportunity that pairs classroom learning with home based education, allowing for a rigorous academic program that can be tailored to the individual child's strengths and needs. Our Hybrid model consists of small classes (10 children maximum) taught by professional teachers. Classes meet on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 9:00-1:00. Our teachers partner with parents in the education of the child by providing consults on an as needed basis and by regular written communication regarding assignments to be completed at home on non-class days (Mondays and Wednesdays).
Disclaimer: the licensing status was checked when this listing was created. We do our best to keep information up-to-date, but cannot guarantee that it is. You should verify the license/permit/registration status before enrolling in any child care program.

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9:00am - 12:45pm
30 months - 10 years
Meals Provided
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