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Georgetown Montessori School, DC

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The Georgetown Montessori School, established in 1983, provides the "prepared environment" essential to Montessori education. The equipment is scientifically designed to provide the child with concrete examples of abstract ideas. It is self-corrective, allowing the child to develop his senses and learn for himself under the guidance of a skilled Montessori teacher. Children are free to talk and move around, are stimulated by purposeful learning activities of their own choosing, can discover and correct their own errors, and are treated with respect and trust. All these factors help the children to develop an inner discipline and a sense of responsibility. The materials are programmed, each piece prepares the child to take another step ahead in his learning, progressing from the simple to the complex, from the concrete to the abstract. The materials are multifaceted, so the child can learn a variety of increasingly complex things from a single piece. Grasping the initial idea behind the piece of apparatus is only the start for the child. The actual learning takes place when the child voluntarily begins a repetition of the work. It is this repetition, the concentration it develops, and the child's internal feelings of success and accomplishment that reinforce the learning. Thus, the child's main motivation comes internally. External reinforcers such as rewards, punishments or contrived competition are unnecessary in a Montessori environment. Education, to Maria Montessori, was a preparation for life, not merely a search for intellectual skills. The Georgetown Montessori School consists of a toddler program and a primary program. The children in our Toddler program begin at 24 months and continue until they are approximately three years old. Classes meet three or five mornings weekly. This offers the child their first school experience. The class consists of fifteen two year olds with one Montessori teacher and two assistants. The toddlers develop in the areas of language, movement, independence and socialization. The child learns to make choices, and "work" alone, or in small groups. Through their work, they develop concentration and self confidence. In group activities, the children participate in singing, stories and snack. This is your child's first exposure to a larger community. The Montessori Primary program, for ages 3 to 6, emphasizes the following areas: PRACTICAL LIFE EXERCISES These are exercises in polishing, washing, pouring, or learning to lace and tie a bow, for a few examples. They help the child to become independent and to care for his or her own needs. In addition to being intrinsically satisfying to the child, such "real" activities help develop large and small muscle coordination, orderly work and study habits, and deep concentration. SENSORIAL These exercises help the children become aware of the world around them. Exercises are designed to help the child isolate, compare, and classify perceptions of sounds, smells, colors, textures, sizes, and shapes. Sensory exercises progress naturally to a variety of activities such as art, music, geography, history, the sciences, and plant and animal studies. LANGUAGE... The study of the English language begins with a phonetic approach. It gradually encompasses all forms of the language, including writing, reading, punctuation, grammar, spelling, and dramatization. French is introduced in singing , counting and beginning vocabulary lessons. MATHEMATICS The Montessori approach to teaching math is a basic one, beginning with concrete objects, moving to the abstract ideas, and associating the two together. The curriculum goes from learning quantities, to the decimal system, and on to addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. GEOGRAPHY: The children learn the continents of the world as well as the countries of these continents. They also see visual impressions of the different continents and cultures. They learn how to make flags of different countries and listen to various international music. MUSIC, ART: Music is part of our everyday curriculum during a mid-morning circle singing time. A music class is also offered once weekly during which time children are introduced to instruments of the orchestra and are introduced to timbre, pitch and elements of Jazz. A creative art class is offered in small groups five mornings per week as an introduction to different art mediums. Seasonal Programs: The children perform seasonal productions for Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter. This allows the parents to socialize and the children to become more self confident with their performance skills. Georgetown Montessori School Inc. is a child care center in Washington, DC. We are open from 8:00am to 6:00pm. To learn more about us, please send us an email.
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8:30am - 3:00pm
20 months - 6 years
Meals Provided
•  Playground
•  Indoor Playroom
•  Outdoor Play Area
•  Library