Special Needs Daycares in Bel Air MD

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Recent Reviews for Special Needs Daycares in Bel Air MD
Tammy Williams Family Child Care, Churchville
"We have been so fortunate to have found Ms. Tammy! She has cared for all three of my children, always going above and beyond in everything she does. From the creative crafts to" Read More
Bridges Montessori School, Bel Air
"We have enjoyed Bridges Montessori so much. The teachers and staff are attentive to each child’s unique needs and personality while working educational magic in clever and" Read More
Other Special Needs Daycares near Bel Air MD
Frequently Asked Questions
How many special-needs daycares and preschools are there in Bel Air?
There are 20 special-needs daycares and preschools in Bel Air, based on CareLuLu data. This includes 11 home-based programs and 9 centers.
How much does daycare cost in Bel Air?
The cost of daycare in Bel Air is $849 per month. This is the average price for full-time, based on CareLuLu data, including homes and centers.
How many special-needs daycares and preschools accept infants in Bel Air?
Based on CareLuLu data, 12 special-needs daycares and preschools care for infants (as well as toddlers). This includes 9 home-based programs and 3 centers.
How many special-needs daycares and preschools offer part-time care or drop-in care in Bel Air?
Based on CareLuLu data, 17 special-needs daycares and preschools offer part-time care or drop-in care in Bel Air.