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New Life Assembly Day Care Center, Capitol Heights

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The New Life Assembly Child Development Center is designed to meet the emotional, social, physical, and intellectual needs of children in a safe, Christ-centered, and loving environment. Activities are offered each day to help each child develop his/her potential. We believe that each child deserves a secure and stimulating environment which includes stable and loving adults. We believe that the learning process for any child begins at birth. Children are eager to learn and parental involvement in this learning process is very important. Parents and teachers must be united in their efforts to encourage the child to reach his/her fullest potential. We believe modeling is a very decisive form of teaching and that the old adage, “do as I say and not as I do” no longer holds value in the life of the child. Our children are looking for role models; therefore, we must be people of integrity; we must be loyal, kind, patient, hardworking and loving. We believe our lifestyle, as a teacher, must be reflective of attributes that would encourage positive behavior in our learners. We believe the environment plays a major role in the development of the child. If the child is made to think he/she is no good and will never amount to anything, that is what they will begin to think and believe about themselves. As a teacher and a care giver, we must encourage each student (no matter where they are academically, socially, physically, or emotionally) that they can succeed in life if they will only believe.
Disclaimer: the licensing status was checked when this listing was created. We do our best to keep information up-to-date, but cannot guarantee that it is. You should verify the license/permit/registration status before enrolling in any child care program.

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6:00am - 6:00pm
2 years - 5 years
Meals Provided