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Grandma's Day Care Center, District Heights

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Grandma's Daycare is for giving tender loving care to children while parents are away. We believe that giving tender loving care is our top priority. We educate children, develop their motor skills, and develop there social awareness. Our vision is to see that your child is well prepared by the time that they leave us to go to "the big school." Our goal is to make you, the parent, feel that your child is in a safe and nuturing environment. In other words, we want your child to feel have a home away from home. We value growth and the development of toddlers through quality play time, fun learning, and creative expression while parents spend most of their day at work. During their time with us they have a daily activity schedule that consist of quality structured play time, reading and writing, learning through music, theartrical learning, a healthy lunch, nap time, a healthy snacks, and more playing time. A full day to say the least!! We offer two progams: The Discovery Program (18 mo - 2 yrs) and Preschool (3 - 4 yrs). An additional element to the programs is teaching and learning through music. Children are taught songs and have instruments on hand to play and make music. We also value the importance of healthy eating. Healthy lunches are prepared daily so that children are getting the proper nutrition. Grandma's Daycare Center was established in 1986 by a single mother of six boys and a girl. Charlotte Carter had a vision to open a daycare that would nurture, educate, and create an atmosphere for the development of toddlers while their parents work. With the support of her husband (who's now deceased) she aquired her license and opened up her home to three children. For 30 years Mrs. Cater has provided for children that bared the results of college graduates, business professionals, and parents. Over 1,000 children in the last 30 years have come throught the doors of Grandma's Daycare. It is licensed and operated in PG County, Maryland.
Disclaimer: the licensing status was checked when this listing was created. We do our best to keep information up-to-date, but cannot guarantee that it is. You should verify the license/permit/registration status before enrolling in any child care program.

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6:00am - 6:00pm
18 months - 4 years
Meals Provided
•  Playground