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Living Savior Preschool, Fairfax Station

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Living Savior's Mission is to know the love of Christ and serve God so that the Holy Spirit may work through us to bring others to Christ. The Vision for Living Savior is that it will use all its resources of people, ministries, and money to concentrate on reaching the unchurched of the community with the Good News of Jesus Christ, and by the power of the Holy Spirit to bring them to faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, and into the membership of Living Savior. God's Word Points Us to Jesus Christ The people who belong to Living Savior are people of the Bible. The Bible is our Sacred Scriptures, the Word of God. We treasure God's Word because it teaches us about eternal life through Jesus Christ. The Word is Gospel ("good news") because it assures us of God's love and faithfulness. God's Word inspires us to tell others and moves us to help people in need. A Mighty Fortress is Our God In the 16th century Martin Luther, a German monk, made his stand on the Word. Three principles undergird our beliefs: Scripture, Faith, and Grace. The Scripture is the only source of knowledge about God and his will for us. Grace tells us that as human beings we cannot earn God's love, forgiveness, or everlasting life. Only by faith in Jesus Christ do we receive forgiveness. Through faith in him we come into a relationship of peace with God. Communion Policy Everyone who is a baptized Christian, repents of sin, believes in the real presence of Christ's body and blood in, with, under the bread and wine of the Holy Communion is cordially invited to receive the Lord's Supper at Living Savior. To receive wine by individual cup, take a cup from the serving tray and wait for Pastor to say "The Blood of Christ", then return the cup to server that follows Pastor. To receive wine by the common cup (chalice), take the base & tilt to receive the amount you wish. If you wish to receive nonalcoholic white grape juice, there are individual cups in the center of the tray. If you wish to receive Gluten/wheat/corn and soya free communion wafers please speak to Pastor or an usher before the start of service. Our Purpose We believe that our congregation's life and mission includes assisting parents in the development of their children. Living Savior Preschool offers young children a Christian setting in which to grow, to learn, and to develop spiritually, physically, intellectually, and socially. We believe that Living Savior Preschool can expand the child's perception of God, of other people, and of the physical world in which God has placed us. We believe that our school offers preschool children one of the best opportunities for achieving the goals of Christian education outside of the home. It can help them develop healthy personalities, form values, and develop the conscience, feelings and attitudes which form the foundation for a positive self-image and good relationships. We believe that dedicated and committed Christian teachers can provide young children with numerous opportunities for growth and development. Our Objectives and Curriculum To nurture development of the whole child in ways which enable children to be more self-assured and to feel secure in the love of God. To teach simple Christian truths related to the child's experiences and level of development. To encourage the child in self-confidence, concern for others, cooperation in work and play, and a spirit of sharing. To increase the child's skills in listening, self-discipline, conversation, creative self-expression, independent work and play. LSP incorporates curriculum themes, content areas, the Creative Curriculum and Virginia Foundation Blocks for Early Learning, as a means for planning a developmentally appropriate Christian program. VA State Licensed and NAEYC Accredited Living Savior Preschool is licensed by the Commonwealth of Virginia, and accredited by the National Academy of Early Childhood Programs, a division of the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), the nation's largest organization of early childhood educators.
Disclaimer: the licensing status was checked when this listing was created. We do our best to keep information up-to-date, but cannot guarantee that it is. You should verify the license/permit/registration status before enrolling in any child care program.

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9:00am - 2:10pm
30 months - 5 years
Meals Provided
•  Playground
•  Indoor Gym
•  Multipurpose Room
•  Library
•  Fenced Facilities