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Greenway Learning Center for Infants and Children, Greenbelt

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Greenway Learning Center is committed to providing a positive, stimulating environment for your childs emotional, cognitive, and physical development. Our staff is highly trained and experienced in early childhood education. Specifically, the staff at Greenway Learning Center is committed to providing a warm and nurturing environment with plenty of hugs as well as attention to individual emotional needs. Children are encouraged to play together, help one another, and develop caring relationships with each other and with the staff. Plenty of opportunity is provided for play, both free, unstructured play time, and coordinated group activities. Children love to play, and it is their major mechanism for learning about the world and how they fit into it. Positive, gentle and respectful guidance form the basis for discipline. Children learn how to interact with others for the well being of all the children. Greenway Learning Center is committed to making the most of a childs first five years by creating an early childhood environment that supports the needs of young children. Greenway Learning Center operates as a non-profit, tax-exempt, parent cooperative. When you enroll your child, you become a member of the cooperative. This entitles you to a vote in electing the Board of Directors and allows you to run for Board membership should you desire. All voting members of the Board are parents with children enrolled in the Center. The Board of directors has full policy-making power. Parents are asked, on an elective basis, to perform tasks for the center. We look forward to working together with you. Days at Greenway begin and end with children of all ages engaging in supervised free play together. By 9 a.m. the children have retired to their individual classrooms to begin the days curriculum with their teachers. We have separate rooms for the infants (8 weeks to 18 months), toddlers (18 months to 2 years), twos (2 year olds) and pre-schoolers (3 to 5 year olds). Our curriculum focuses at the earlier ages on physical development and achieving age-appropriate milestones. Starting with twos, we begin to introduce academic topics such as letters, numbers, colors and shapes. However, at this age children learn primarily through play, so the day is also filled with various group activities, crafts, and playing outdoors or going on walks. We celebrate special occasions throughout the year from Super Bowl Friday and Valentines Day to the antics of the leprechaun in March, an Easter egg hunt in April, water play twice a week during the summer months, a picnic to celebrate the end of summer, a visit to the pumpkin patch in the fall, a Halloween parade, Thanksgiving, and even a visit from Santa in December. From Mothers Day breakfast to Back to School night to that special moment when your pre-schooler finally graduates and goes off to kindergarten, Greenways schedule is packed with ways for parents to come and interact with their children.
Disclaimer: the licensing status was checked when this listing was created. We do our best to keep information up-to-date, but cannot guarantee that it is. You should verify the license/permit/registration status before enrolling in any child care program.
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7:30am - 6:00pm
8 weeks - 5 years
Meals Provided
•  Playground
•  Library
•  Indoor Playroom
•  Outdoor Play Area