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Lone Oak Montessori School, Potomac

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Welcome to Lone Oak Montessori School! Visitors to our school are often struck by the concentration, excitement, and zest for learning exhibited by our students. Working according to the principles of Dr. Maria Montessori, our AMI-trained teachers prepare classroom environments tailored to the young child and his unique developmental needs. It is our belief that the principles of Montessori enable us to provide a space in which the child’s natural curiosity and joy in learning are allowed to unfold. Since Lone Oak was founded by Pat Swann in 1981, it has been a place where children have been nurtured intellectually, socially, physically, and emotionally. The Montessori materials allow for a hands-on approach to learning, extensively covering the subject areas of language, math, geography, and science. Students at Lone Oak are also instructed in art, music, physical education, Spanish, drama, and Chinese. Our mixed age classrooms (3-6 and 6-12) aid in the social development of our children, allowing older children to act as “role models” for our younger students. At Lone Oak, we aim to foster a strong, vibrant community among our staff, parents, and students. I look forward to welcoming you personally to Lone Oak, and sharing more of the wonderful opportunities that our school has to offer.
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7:30am - 6:00pm
2 years - 12 years
After School Care
Meals Provided