Daycares in Potomac MD

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About Daycares in Potomac MD
Potomac is a medium-sized town in Montgomery County, MD, named after the nearby Potomac River. It has a population of over 47,000 people and ranked as the 7th-most-educated small town by Forbes. It was also once ranked as the most affluent town in the US (for towns with a population of 25,000) with a median household income of $187,568 per year. Child care is thus expensive in Potomac, which is served by 86 licensed child care facilities. The average cost of daycare is $1,690 per month for infants in a child care center (over $20,000 annually), compared to $1,365 per month in a home daycare ($16,380 annually). For preschoolers, cost decreases with an average price of child care of $1,215 per month ($14,560 annually) for a 4-year-old. Our daycare cost calculator can help you determine the cost of child care for your child's age in your zip code. Potomac is a wealthy and highly educated community. Most residents work close to Washington, DC, specializing in Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services, as well as Healthcare. The state-licensed child care facilities consist of 36 child care centers and 50 family child care homes (home-based daycares and preschools). Most of the home-based programs cost less than centers (especially for young babies, as indicated above, with a cost, on average, 20% lower for infant care in a home). However, the State of Maryland regulates both types of child care facilities, and both must maintain a high standard of safety and quality for the early education programs. To obtain a child care license in Maryland, child care providers must attend a mandatory face-to-face orientation training in the Office of Child Care. Child care facilities are initially authorized to operate for two years. They may then continue with a non-expiring license or registration if they continue to meet the legal requirements. They must also successfully pass the unannounced inspections that occur at least once a year. There are early learning programs accredited by the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) or by NAEYC. Accredited daycares and preschools are committed to providing the highest quality, research-based early education programs. Their goal is to provide a strong foundation for future academic success. To maintain accreditation, child care directors and staff must commit to continuous quality improvement in order to provide children with the most up-to-date effective teaching methods and activities. Highly qualified caregivers and teachers provide supportive supervision and create a more engaging and positive learning environment for children. An accreditation isn't always a sign of higher quality, though. Getting it can be costly to get and thus out of reach for many providers, especially small home-based programs. For some parents, it's essential that their children learn and grow in a specific cultural or religious environment. For those families, Potomac offers ten faith-based, religious child care facilities that typically include religion as part of the curriculum and activities. For parents looking to have their child immersed in a multi-lingual environment, there are six bilingual daycares in Potomac where children learn a foreign language through music, reading, writing, and other creative activities. Health and safety is a top priority for all families but especially those with children who have allergies. Parents will be happy to know that Potomac is home to 22 peanut-free child care facilities where the staff has specialized training and doesn't serve any food with peanuts.
Other Daycares near Potomac MD
Recent Reviews for in Potomac MD
Horizon Hill Bilingual French Daycare, Potomac
"This daycare has been great for our 2-year-old. The owner is kind and welcoming, but very professional. Her many years of experience come across. She was able to take us for a" Read More
Darnestown Kids Playhouse, Gaithersburg
"The caregiver is kind, sweet, caring, intelligent, and everything you could ever want in someone taking care of your kids. She was our daycare provider for both of our kids from" Read More
Frequently Asked Questions
How many daycares are there in Potomac?
There are 39 daycares in Potomac, based on CareLuLu data. This includes 12 home-based programs and 27 centers.
How much does daycare cost in Potomac?
The cost of daycare in Potomac is $1,263 per month. This is the average price for full-time, based on CareLuLu data, including homes and centers.
How many daycares accept infants in Potomac?
Based on CareLuLu data, 11 daycares care for infants (as well as toddlers). This includes 7 home-based programs and 4 centers.
How many daycares offer part-time care or drop-in care in Potomac?
Based on CareLuLu data, 19 daycares offer part-time care or drop-in care in Potomac.
How many daycares teach a foreign language in Potomac (Spanish, French, Chinese, etc.)?
Based on CareLuLu data, 13 daycares speak at least one foreign language. Most common languages include Spanish, Farsi, Hebrew, Persian and Amharic.
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