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St. John's United Methodist Church, Springfield

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St. John's Center for Early Childhood Education General Information School Logo PHONE [redacted] E-mail:[redacted] Kathy Boyt, Director Linda Meaney, Administrative Assistant St. John's CECE promotes the mental, physical and spiritual growth of our children through a program including instruction, work and play. We offer preschool classes for children two years of age to five years of age. Our after school care program is for our preschoolers. We invite you to learn about our program. We would love for you to come visit us and see our school. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns. There is a teacher and an assistant teacher in every class. 2 year old classes up to 10 children 3 year old classes up to 14 children 4 year old classes up to 16 children Our School day is 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. We provide a snack and parents must provide lunch. All classes have scheduled time for a Rhythms class which is in a separate room with a Rhythms Teacher. Our program is for the preschool child age two through five years of age, based on age as of September 30 of the school year. Registration is available until the class is filled. All children in our preschool are eligible to attend our Child Care Center. Extended care is open from 8:00 am to 9:00 am and 1:00 pm to 5:30 pm. We offer an extended summer program for current students that runs the last week of May through the first two weeks in June. We have specific themes and special activities every week.
Disclaimer: the licensing status was checked when this listing was created. We do our best to keep information up-to-date, but cannot guarantee that it is. You should verify the license/permit/registration status before enrolling in any child care program.
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9:00am - 1:00pm
2 years - 5 years
Meals Provided
•  Playground
•  Indoor Gym