Daycares in Centreville VA

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About Daycares in Centreville VA
Centreville is a modern, ethnically diverse and densely populated city in Fairfax County, Virginia. It's about 20 miles West of Washington, DC and is home to more than 73,000 residents. The average cost of a daycare center is $280 per week for infants ($14,560 per year) and $260 per week for 4-year-olds ($13,520 annually). For families needing more affordable options in Centreville, tuition rates in family child care homes are 20-30% lower with an average of $220 per week for infants and $180 per week for 4-year-olds. While those costs are lower than in Washington DC, these are high costs by national standards. That's not surprising given the median household income of $106,000. Most Centreville residents work in Professional, Scientific, Technical Services, and Healthcare. To find the average cost of daycare based on the age of your child in your zip code, click here to use our daycare cost calculator. Centreville is in the western part of Fairfax County, bounded to the North by Chantilly, Fairfax City to the East and Prince William County to the West and South. Three major roads and several Fairfax Connector bus routes connecting to the Metrorail system serve the community. Many working families commute for work to Washington, DC. The young children's population is served by a total of 107 regulated child care facilities (VA state-licensed or Fairfax county-permitted). Child Care providers regularly caring for non-resident children in exchange for compensation are mandated by law to operate with a valid child care license or permit. The Fairfax County Office for Children (OFC) is responsible for regulating child care homes with up to 4 non-resident children. On the other hand, the Commonwealth of Virginia, through the Office of the Virginia Department of Social Services, issues state licenses to providers caring for more 5 or more children. In Centreville, there are 66 home-based daycares with a county permit, 23 state-licensed child care homes, and 18 state-licensed child day centers. Home daycares and preschools can be a top choice for parents because they're more affordable than centers. They also offer a home-like setting and more flexible schedules for working families. Families understand that the quality of early education plays an essential role in the development of their child. Although any facility can be high quality, choosing a licensed or permitted child care facility helps ensure children are in a safe and secure environment. These facilities are monitored and inspected to comply with legal requirements in terms of caregiver education, training, and professional development. Staff also undergo thorough background checks, including all people 14 years old and above with regular access to the facility. Child care facilities in Centreville, VA, offer a wide range of services. Ten facilities provide before and after school care, and 9 are religious daycares. For children who have an allergic reaction to peanuts and food containing nuts, there are 9 peanut-free or tree nut-free daycares. Since 40% of the population in Centreville speaks Spanish or an Asian language, there's strong demand for foreign language and culture education. The 14 bilingual child care facilities teach children not just a second language but also help them learn about other cultures and traditions. In preschool, foreign languages can be learned through music, arts, stories, and other engaging activities that are age-appropriate for children. Families with low income can pay tuition fees in part or in full through the Child Care Assistance program. Families who qualify for the program can be beneficiaries of the "Temporary Assistance for Needy Families" (TANF) and participate in the "Virginia Initiative for Employment Not Welfare" (VIEW) program. Nineteen licensed early care and education programs accept government subsidy vouchers.
Other Daycares near Centreville VA
Recent Reviews for in Centreville VA
Sully Park Children's Place, Centreville
"This Provider has been so loving and caring with my daughter since the first day she made me and my daughter feel safe. she is a wonderful person." Read More
Fair Oaks Early Education Daycare, Fairfax
"We are so glad to have found this in-home daycare for our son who started around 8 months old. The caregivers are so great with communicating and making sure our son is well cared" Read More
Frequently Asked Questions
How many daycares are there in Centreville?
There are 142 daycares in Centreville, based on CareLuLu data. This includes 121 home-based programs and 21 centers.
How much does daycare cost in Centreville?
The cost of daycare in Centreville is $1,009 per month. This is the average price for full-time, based on CareLuLu data, including homes and centers.
How many daycares accept infants in Centreville?
Based on CareLuLu data, 112 daycares care for infants (as well as toddlers). This includes 106 home-based programs and 6 centers.
How many daycares offer part-time care or drop-in care in Centreville?
Based on CareLuLu data, 61 daycares offer part-time care or drop-in care in Centreville.
How many daycares teach a foreign language in Centreville (Spanish, French, Chinese, etc.)?
Based on CareLuLu data, 85 daycares speak at least one foreign language. Most common languages include Spanish, Urdu, Hindi, Farsi and Persian.
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