Daycares in Aspen Hill MD

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About Daycares in Aspen Hill MD
Aspen Hill, MD is located in Montgomery County, north of Washington DC and southwest of Baltimore. It encompasses areas of Silver Spring, Rockville, and Wheaton communities as the US Postal Service does not accept Aspen Hill as a place name. There is a total of 524 licensed child care facilities in Aspen Hills, consisting of 343 home daycares and 181 child care centers or preschools. Those child care programs serve the population of over 52,000 residents, with around 23% being below 18 years of age. The average cost of full-time child care in home-based daycares is $260 for infants and $205 for 4-years-ol children, while child care centers or preschools cost $290 for infants and $210 for 4-year olds. To find out the average cost of daycare in your zip code, click here to use our daycare cost calculator. The first five years of brain development are the most crucial stage in building a foundation for the child's way of learning, thinking, and interaction with his or her environment. The residents in Aspen Hill are diverse and more than half of the population speaks foreign languages. Spanish is the most common non-English language spoken by 26% of the residents. Language immersion child care programs are a great option to support children with developmentally appropriate curriculum involving cultural awareness and foreign languages. There are 27 bilingual daycares in the area. The community is also served by 120 licensed early childhood education programs that accept Government subsidies or vouchers. The Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) – Office of Child Care (OCC) mandates all formal child care in Aspen Hill and provides financial assistance through the Child Care Scholarship Program (CCS Program). The Child Care Subsidy Central (CCS Central) creates the opportunity for low-income families to have access to high-quality, affordable daycare for their children. The list of eligibility criteria to qualify for the program include being employed, being a Maryland resident enrolled in a recognized education or training program, families within the CCS income guidelines, beneficiaries of Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) or Supplementary Security Income (SSI), and families pursuing child support (in case of parents who are not in the same household). Applicants must be willing to provide proof of identity for the child and all the members of the household. Licensed child care providers meet the legal requirements stated under the Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR) and commit to creating a safe and nurturing child care environment. Children are provided with well-planned and structured learning and playing opportunities to help them prepare for school and develop social, emotional, and communication skills. Licensed child care facilities are run by professional caregivers and/or administrators, as well as staff that attained educational and training requirements. Complete background checks and records of neglect and abuse are also investigated and must be completed for all staff and members of the household (including children 14 years old and above). The most popular type of child care in Maryland is home-based family daycare programs which provide a home-like setting, with fewer children, more flexible schedules, and are typically less costly than child care centers. Families who prefer school-like environments and larger facilities should focus on child care centers or preschools. Child care centers (as well as home-based facilities) follow specified staff to child ratio to provide adequate care and attention to each child in care. Both types of licensed facilities are regularly visited through announced and unannounced inspections to monitor compliance with the licensing requirements and to ensure that children are exposed to a positive learning environment that looks after their health, safety, and wellness.
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Recent Reviews for in Aspen Hill MD
Aspen Hill Park Playhouse, Rockville
"This daycare is great! The daycare provider and her assistant are extremely kind and attentive. My baby is very happy here and has developed a great level of independence. The" Read More
Frequently Asked Questions
How much does daycare cost in Aspen Hill?
The cost of daycare in Aspen Hill is $849 per month. This is the average price for full-time, based on CareLuLu data, including homes and centers.
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